Offentliga Råd för Sociala Medier?

Den internationella yttrandefrihetsorganisationen Article19 föreslår att sociala medier inte själva ska moderera innehåll utan att fristående offentliga Social Media Councils ska klara av uppgiften. De skriver:

“Current practices of content moderation on social media offer very little in terms of transparency and virtually no remedy to individual users. The impact that content moderation and distribution (in other words, the composition of users’ feeds and the accessibility and visibility of content on social media) has on the public sphere is not yet fully understood, but legitimate concerns have been expressed, especially in relation to platforms that operate at such a level of market dominance that they can exert decisive influence on public debates.

This raises questions in relation to international laws on freedom of expression and has become a major issue for democratic societies. There are legitimate motives of concern that motivate various efforts to address this issue, particularly regarding the capacity of giant social media platforms to influence the public sphere.

However, as with many modern communication technologies, the benefits that individuals and societies derive from the existence of these platforms should not be ignored. The responsibilities of the largest social media companies are currently being debated in legislative, policy and academic circles across the globe, but many of the numerous initiatives that are put forward do not sufficiently account for the protection of freedom of expression.

In this consultation paper, ARTICLE 19 outlines a roadmap for the creation of what we have called Social Media Councils (SMCs), a model for a multi-stakeholder accountability mechanism for content moderation on social media. SMCs aim to provide an open, transparent, accountable and participatory forum to address content moderation issues on social media platforms on the basis of international standards on human rights.”

Se mer på deras webb


Article19 kommenterade igår EU-Domstolens beslut att ett EU-land får begära att ett annat EU-land kan kräva att Facebook ingriper mot medborgare i det andra landet, även om innehållet inte är olagligt där men i det första.

Gilla och dela YO: